This is the banner for "My True Stories" by A. J. Windless. On this page you will find links to each of his stories. On this website you will find inspiring stoires, photos, poems, and songs of A. J. Windless.
Be especially sure to read "Shots Not Heard" as it was one of the five stories I wrote for my book and tells how I have come to be the person I am today, the person whose photography fills the pages of this website. "Tails and Trails" tells how my dog saved me from hypothermia and was also written as part of my book, so don't miss that. Creating this page is my way of drawing attention to my writing. I design my pages so that the images fill the top of the page, but frequently I have written interesting comments or stories about the photos that you might be unaware of unless you take the time to scroll down. You can also find an endless number of stories on my blog page going all the way back to 2013. Have fun reading!
    Photographer/Writer A. J. Windless signs off after explaining his brand new "My True Stories" page.
Click on the True Story of Your Choice
Shots Not Heard
Tails and Trails
My True Dog Stories
Letters to Paul
How to be Happy
What Is Life All About?

How Critical is Having a Mate?
My Endangered Dove Stories
The Most Beautiful Girls in the World
Remembering Strawberry Fields Forever
Teaching Thai Kindergarten
My Mother's Miracle
How I Won an Airplane
Oympic Rower Waits for Ducklings to Cross
I Quit Smoking When I Was Five Years Old
Two Hundred Rabbits Keep Me Running
How Running Built My Self Esteem
The Sun, Skin Color, and Status in Thailand
I Was an Orthodontist's Nightmare
My First Date
Do I Photoshop?
Shooting Rabbits

"I Am Going to Kan!"
The Spirit Bear
Why I Moved Back to Utah

How Do I Level My Photos?
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