In the Great Bear Rain Forest
of British Columbia there roams to this day the legendary spirit
bear, which is a white bear that was perceived by the First
American tribes as so rare and so sacred that if they saw one
they should not tell anyone, but should keep it a secret to
themselves. That secrecy was probably the only reason this
unique species of bear survived the great fur trapping years.
This is not an albino bear. It is actually a black bear that
carries a mutated gene, which some say was developed during the
ice age. If both parents have the recessive gene the cub will be
born white or cream, the same color as a polar bear. It's qutie
interesting, since a black mother can have two white cubs, while
a white mother can have two black cubs. Studies show that the
white bears catch more salmon. Some speculate that they are
better camouflaged because to the salmon in the stream they look
like clouds over the water. If the salmon are expecting a little
relief from the sun, I guess that's what they will get, their
shades pulled down! |