The Japanese are very fond of "Sakura" and even attach to the
cherry blossoms a sacredness that spills over into
neighboring countries like Thailand. The malls here in Bangkok
sometimes celebrate Sakura by lining the aisles with artificial
cherry trees. Many who see the image above ask if they are
cherry blossoms. These plum blossoms do look very much like
cherry blossoms, but those who know their fruit blossoms would
be able to tell them apart. This photo was taken in the Salt
Lake valley, and trust me, the fruit that comes from these trees
would not be mistaken by anyone for the plums that are typically
available in the supermarkets. I once was a meter reader walking
through all the yards in the Salt Lake area, and I once picked a
plum from a tree in Bountiful that was the most delicious plum I
have ever tasted. It was yellow in color and shaped a little bit
like a mango, of course any fruit that ripens on the tree is far
more delicious than the same fruit that has been shipped to and
purchased from the supermarket. |