A. J. Windless 
Happy Easter! 2023
A myriad of colorful ballons float above the Promenade court.

I just wrote about the water fountain at the Promenade last month (click here) This is what it looked like on Easter Sunday, nicely decorated with colorful balloons, but as so often happens, no dancing water anywhere in sight.

Fresh out of the oven chocolate chip cookies

It is difficult at best to find good chocolate chip cookies in Thailand. Thais do like chocolate chip cookies, but they are usually dry and hard, and the chocolate has a very weak presence. Mrs. Fields once came here and I saw her stands in several of the malls, but within a year or two all of her shops closed. My condo doesn't have an oven in it, so the day before Easter I went to a friend's place and cooked up some long awaited semi-sweet chocolate chip cookies. Sometimes, it's the simple things you miss.

Cute little rabbits for sale in Bangkok.

Just a few days ago these beautiful rabbits were for sale, right out on the main floor. Now you know where I was in the days leading up to Easter. I hope you had a Happy Easter!
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