Silent Nature and A. J. Windless
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A pair of autumn aspen leaves rest together on a fallen tree trunk.
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Double Leaf
October 1, 1993   Film: Kodachrome 64
In almost every one of my photographs I have left nature completely undisturbed. As a rule I don't mess with nature. I don't pull weeds, move rocks, break off branches, pick flowers, or even pick autumn leaves off the tree. Some people don't realize how many others walk on the same trails, or through the same fields, that they do. They believe that since there are so many flowers, nature will never miss one handful. Since I have moved to Thailand, every time I return to Utah I am even more painfully aware of just how many people hike everyday throughout the Wasatch Front, and on every other footpath throughout the entire state. The only reason there are any flowers there for me photograph, or to even see, is because all those hikers who came before me were thoughtful and considerate. The above image is the exception, the rare moment in which I manipulated nature's composition. And I did so only to the extent that I picked up two aspen leaves that had fallen on the ground and placed them on this fallen tree trunk.
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